Sunday, August 31, 2008

WWE to get their own channel?

Report: WWE Considering Their Own TV Channel
Reported by: Kyle Faust

It appears WWE is considering moving their 24/7 programming from an on-demand pay-per-view subscription service to its own television channel. Currently the company is doing a marketing study which is probably being done to try and present the cable companies with evidence that people will switch to or from satellite, based on the ability to see the WWE channel as a free service.It's known that Vince McMahon has talked about WWE needing its own TV channel for years now. One advantage of having their own channel would be if the USA Network or MyNetworkTV changed their minds on carrying WWE programming, wasn't interested in anymore or had some sort of power shift, then WWE would have its own channel to air their programming on.We will keep you updated on any further developments.


Two words: BAD IDEA

Many people will disagree with me, but lets look from outside of the box. WWE currently aims their product toward the younger fans. That's what a business has to do in order to grow. Their new rating is PG and they have a kids magazine out now. I have no problems with that. WWE can't put out a product that's directed toward the Bruno Sammartino generation or the Hulk Hogan generation.

If WWE shifted their WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand programing to TV (free service), they'd have to target the younger fan base (as they currently do on their programing), thus you can say goodbye to the 50s, 60s, and 70s matches and content. You might even say goodbye to some of the 80s content as well. Or you wouldn't get as much classic content as you already do on WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand, i.e. ESPN Classic.

Do you think a Jeff Hardy fan could sit through a Bruno Sammartino match? Do you think a John Cena fan could sit through a 45 minute match featuring Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes? Do you think a fan that thinks Michelle McCool is the greatest women's wrestler/diva in the world could sit through a Fabulous Moolah match? I'm not knocking any fans or current wrestlers, but that's the truth. The only classic content you'd see is from the new generation to the attitude era and that's it. To some that's classic wrestling, but not to me.

The only reason why I hope this doesn't happen, is because WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand (if it becomes a channel) WILL CHANGE. I can bet ALL the money I have that it would change. It wouldn't change at first, because WWE would want to grab a hold of the old school fans and those that had WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand and get them hooked on the new channel (same with bringing back ECW). Then, after a while it would change. Look at ECW. When it returned everyone was jumping up and down. . . . . . and look where we are today. It changed. I'd pay $15.00 a month for this service not to change. With WWE having their own free TV channel, I don't think it would be as good as WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand.

The channel would be free, which is great and I think this content should be viewed by everyone. Also, this means more people would be able to watch it, but. . look at today's WWE programing (Raw, Friday Night Smackdown!, ECW, and A.M. Raw). Which is better? WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand or the current programing? A TV channel is ALL ABOUT RATINGS. With WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand you don't have to worry about ratings. You don't have to worry about trying to get the younger fans to watch or an age demographic.

If WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand stays the EXACT same as it is right now, and just moves over to a TV Channel, that would be great. But let me remind you, this is the WWE. I like the WWE, and Vince McMahon has done some good things for wrestling, I just have a problem with people fixing things when there's no need to fix them. I have a problem with people changing things, when things already make me happy.

Let us classic wrestling fans HAVE OUR WRESTLING, while the younger generation has theirs. I wanna watch my Harley Race matches. I wanna watch my Jerry Lawler matches, I wanna watch my Sammartino matches, I wanna watch my Killer Kowalski matches. I wanna see the Freebirds tangle with the Von Erichs. I want to see AWA legend Nick Bockwinkle deliver promos that keep me intuned. I want to see Bobby Heenan make a fool of himself on Prime Time Wrestling. I can do all those things right now, but that could change if WWE gets their own channel and has their way with it. Remember when ESPN Classic us to be ALL classic? Remember when VH1 Classic us to be all classic videos?

If it's not broke, don't fix it. My advice to the WWE is this. Take your money, and get this service on Time Warner, Direct TV, Dish Network, Charter, or any other services that carries Digital Cable and On Demand. It's been 2 years since WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand has debuted on any major cable company. Yes, Time Warner and WWE still have that 'grudge' going on I assume.

Start advertising WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand more. Don't just advertise it on Raw, do the same for ECW and Friday Night Smackdown! Give 1 minute clips about the product, not just a match. Get the fans interested. If you can take 10 minutes to do a "Kiss My Ass" segment, you can do 60 seconds to promote a product. Promote this thing like you promote a pay-per-view. No wait, nevermind on that one. HA HA!

When was the last time you heard someone dislike WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand?

I rest my case.

*Just a wrestling fan who doesn't want classic wrestling content to change*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

put classics on demand on dish network,there are a lot of fans that want it but their dish carriers dont offer it.Please work with dish network to offer it to their customers.